Brickell Homeowners Association
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BHA News

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Fish Kill & A Call to Action

The fish kill is unprecedented but sadly no surprise. For years, scientists have been sounding the alarm.

Unaddressed issues have lead to this crisis and we must do our part to help save our environment. Some of the culprits include, global warming, nutrients from fertilizers, septic effluent, sewage spills, pet waste, and more can feed algae blooms and lead to low oxygen conditions in the water column -- causing fish kills.

The true changes that will keep excess nutrients out of the bay are:

  1. Fix/relocate leaking Virginia Key Sewage plant

  2. Move failing residential septic onto the fixed sewage system

  3. Reduce fertilizer runoff into the bay

  4. Address street runoff into the stormwater outfall system

We can all make a difference in this matter thus the "Call to Action" is to stop landscaping fertilizers until October. 

Will you follow suit and join us in this Call to Action? Let us know you stand with us and send us your commitment statement. We are better together!