Brickell Homeowners Association
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Miami-Dade County Back Bay Study Feedback

August 17, 2020

Ms. Justine Woodward

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

RE: Miami-Dade County Back Bay Study Ms. Woodward

Dear Ms. Woodward,

The Brickell Homeowners Association ("BHA") represents 35 condominium associations in the Brickell area between Miami River and SE 26th Road. The BHA encompasses a relatively small geographic area — however, the area includes some 90,000+ residents. The BHA is dedicated to improving quality of life for those who live, work, and play in the Brickell community. The BHA focuses on key quality of life issues such as crime prevention, traffic safety and beautification, communicating with elected leaders, government professionals, the business sector, and bringing the community together.

The BHA has reviewed the draft Back Bay Study and is hereby submitting public comments regarding the proposed Brickell floodwalls. These proposed imposing floodwalls would significantly damage the quality of life in Brickell, and we believe the Army Corps of Engineers should propose an alternative solution. Our residents regularly use the Baywalk for outdoor recreation, fitness, and as a transportation corridor. The floodwalls would eliminate the use and enjoyment of this civic amenity. Even if accessibility is maintained, the utility of the Baywalk as an enjoyable experience will be affected.

Additionally, our partners at Brickell Key Master Association are also concerned about the following. The purpose of the floodwalls is to prevent wind-driven waves from reaching the mainland, but the floodwalls will not dissipate the waves. Rather, the floodwalls will reflect the wave energy back towards Brickell Key, and the walls will magnify the storm surge on Brickell Key. In addition to these concerns regarding the property, there would be a significant loss of waterfront access, habitat, and some active/recreational use as a result of wave reflection from the seawall and scouring. Other measures such as breakwaters and living shorelines, if properly placed, would dissipate wave energy and could work in concert with other measures to provide the desired level of flood protection. The floodwall may impact the vehicular and pedestrian traffic over the bridge to Brickell Key, which is the sole access to this island that has thousands of residents, office tenants, and hotel guests. Once the gates are closed the island would be completely and dangerously disconnected from emergency services on the mainland. Even temporary disruption in access to the island could be extremely dangerous.

We are confident that after these impacts are fully considered, the costs will far outweigh any benefits.  On this basis, the BHA is respectfully requesting that the Army Corps of Engineers recommend other user-friendly solutions to protect our community from coastal flooding.


Ernesto Cuesta

BHA President

Brickell Homeowners