Brickell Homeowners Association
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Full Condo Members

Full Condominiums.

The BHA facilitates neighbors joining forces with other neighbors for more responsiveness and attention by City and County officials on matters impacting quality of life. The BHA is composed of condominiums in the region from Miami River to Rickenbacker Causeway, from Biscayne Bay on the East to SW 3rd Avenue on the West.

2025 Condominium Members

500 Brickell

Address: 500 Brickell Ave Miami, Fl 33131

Number of Units: 633

Info: Ludmilla Silva, CAM

1060 Brickell

Address: 1060 Brickell Ave, Suite 1215 | Miami, FL 33131

Units: 576

Info: Lili Banout


1550 Brickell Apts.

Address: 1550 Brickell Avenue Miami, FL 33129

Number of Units: 160

Info: Robert Green

1110 Brickell Condo.

Address: 1110 Brickell Avenue Miami Fl 33129

Number of Units: 60

Info Josie Pesant, LCAM


Asia Condominium

Address: 900 Brickell Key Blvd., Miami, FL 33131

Number of Units: 123

Info: Aracely Euceda

Axis on Brickell

Address: 79 SW 12 St and 1111 SW 1 Ave

Number of Units: 718

Info: Dominique Clavijo

Brickell Bay Tower

Address: 1408 SE Bayshore Drive, Miami FL 33131

Number of Units: 214

Info: Lynda Maldonado


Brickell Biscayne

Address: 150 SE 25 Road, Miami, FL 33129

Number of Units: 170

Info: Carolina Echarte


Brickell East

Address: 151 SE 15 Road, Miami, FL 33129

Number of Units: 65

Info: Angel Vallejo, CAM, Property Manager

Brickell Flatiron

1000 Brickell Plaza, Miami, FL 33131

Number of Units: 527

Info: Dayan Cossio

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Brickell Harbour

Address: 200 SE 15th Road, Miami, FL 33129

Number of Units: 161

Info: Yohandy Gonzalez, LCAM, LCAM

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Brickell House

Address: 1300 Brickell Bay Drive Miami Fl 33131

Number of units: 385

Info: Manuel A. Board President | Adriana Olmos

Brickell Key Master Association

Address: 601 Brickell Key Drive

Number of buildings: 11

Number of units: 3,000

Info: Anna Brautigam


Brickell on

the River North

Address: 31 SE 5th Street, Miami, FL 33129

Number of Units: 390

Info: Maritza Gonzalez, LCAM

Brickell on the River South

Address: 41 SE 5th St, Miami, FL 33131

Number of Units: 327

Info: Natallia Pasmurtsava, LCAM


Brickell Park

Address: 2501 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL 33129

Number of Units: 99

Info: Gloria Blasini, President | Ginnette Velasquez, Manager


Brickell Terrace

Address: 1918 Brickell Ave.
Miami, Florida 33129
Number of Units: 27

Info: Patricia Gomez


Bristol Tower

Name: Bristol Tower

Address: 2127 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL 33129

Number of Units: 147

Info: Jay Solowsky, President | Luis Delgado, LCAM, Property Manager


Brickell Woods Townhouses Association

Address: 2180 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL 33129

Number of Units: 14

Info: Susan King


Carbonell Condominium

Address: 901 Brickell Key Blvd., Miami, FL 33131

Number of Units: 285

Info: Martin Reategui


Commodore Bay

Address: 1402 S. Bayshore Drive Miami, FL 33131

Number of Units: 36

Info: Diane Balseiro, President | Brion Cook, Board Member | Carl A. Cappo, LCAM, Community Association Manager


Courts Brickell Key

Address: 801 Brickell Key Blvd., Miami, FL 33131

Number of Units: 319

Info: Christine Mena


Emerald at Brickell

Address: 218 SE 14th Street Suite # 200 Miami FL, 33131

Number of Units: 142


Four Seasons Residences

Address: 1435 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL 33131

Info: Miriett Ferreiro


Icon Tower 1

Address: 465 Brickell Ave, Miami FL

Number of Units: 713

Info: Matthew Mora, LCAM & Federico Baroglio


Icon Tower 2

Address: 475 Brickell Ave Suite 204, Miami, FL 33131

Number of Units: 561

Info: Jonathan G.


Imperial at Brickell

Address: 1627 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL 33129

Number of Units: 161

Info: Carol Pasch, LCAM

Infinity at Brickell

Address: 60 SW 13 St Miami FL 33130

Number of Units: 459

Info: Theodore Guba

Isola Brickell

Address: 770 Claughton Island Dr, Miami, Florida 33131

Number of Units: 300

Info: Allen Yepez, LCAM


Jade Residences at Brickell

Address: 1331 Brickell Bay Drive Miami, FL 33131

Number of Units: 341

Info: Sharon Crisostomo



Address: 2525 SW 3 Avenue, Miami, FL 33129

Number of Units: 130

Info: Lourdes Cuervo


Santa Maria

Address: 1643 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL 33129

Number of Units: 174

Info: Hans Ariza


Solaris Brickell Bay

Address: 186 SE 12 Terr., Miami, FL 33131

Number of Units: 138

Info: Peggy Otano 


The Atlantis on Brickell

Address: 2025 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL 33129

Number of Units: 96

Info: David Lucterhand, President | Vivian Ludke, Property Manager


The Mark on Brickell Bay Drive

Address: 1155 Brickell Bay Drive, Miami Fl 33131

Number of Units: 361

Info: Kelly Ramsden

Three Tequesta Point

Address: 848 Brickell Key Dr Miami, FL 33131

Number of Units: 238

Info: Timothy Davis