Members — Brickell Homeowners Association, Inc.
Brickell Homeowners Association


condominium enrollment.

Benefits of Condo Membership

Full Condominium Membership is open to condominium associations in the BHA region from Miami River to Rickenbacker Causeway, from Biscayne Bay on the east to SW 3rd Avenue on the west. Condo association dues based on a $6 per unit per year fund communications, advocacy and BHA operational expenses.

  • One voting member of the BHA Board of Directors

  • Invitation to all BHA meetings for Board member and alternate(s)

  • Advocacy for issues affecting your community

  • Listing about your association and crosslinks on the BHA website

  • Email alerts on news impacting neighborhood safety, traffic, improvements, parks and related issues

Please submit this form electronically, and send payment via check to BHA at 500 NW 2nd Avenue Unit 11415 Miami FL 33101 . Calculate annual dues at $6 x # of units in your association.

Membership Form