If you are feeling overwhelmed about your community’s expenses, especially with elections around the corner, then please join us for this complimentary, educational event sponsored by Campbell Property Management, South Florida’s Highest Rated Community Association Management Company and Katzman Chandler, Florida Community Association Lawyers.
This is a must attend for any and every Board Member during Election Season.
"10 Ways to Save Money at Your Association” by Dan Tiernan and Gary Pyott from Campbell Property Management
"Dollars and Sense" by Leigh Katzman and Mary Ann Chandler from Katzman Chandler
Residence Inn Miami - Aventura Mall
Royal Palm Room 1 & 2
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Registration begins at 10:30am
Event goes from 11am-1pm
We will be serving brunch - RSVP Required
RSVP at: DSAventura.eventbrite.com
Email: events@campbellproperty.com
Phone: 954.998.2938
To learn more about Campbell, visit CampbellMGT.com