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Ways to deal with anxiety by social distancing amidst the threat of COVID-19


Stressful situations increase the level of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol in your body. Physical exercise can be used as a surrogate to metabolize the excessive stress hormones and restore your body and mind to a calmer, more relaxed state. Here are a few ideas you can do to help you deal with stress:

  • Go for a walk

  • Exercise using YouTube videos, there are plenty of online videos in which you can participate in yoga, boxing, cardio and beyond.

  • Engage your household to stay active. i.e. practice Yoga with your children or engage your partner to participate in your preferred activity.


Faith and spirituality provide a sense of purpose and allow people to connect to something greater than themselves. The following partners invite you to join them in person or online. 


Meditation can help you clear your mind from the day to day information overload we’ve all been experiencing this week.

  • Focus and regulate your breathing.

  • Focus on love, gratitude and thanksgiving.

  • Reflect on your favorite music playlist.

  • Repeat a mantra. It can be your yearly word, a scripture reading or anything else you want to reflect on.

  • Engage in prayer.

While these are only a few ideas among thousands we hope that you engage in some type of anxiety reducer. What are some of your favorite ways to reduce anxiety?

Brickell Homeowners